







Community and civic engagement extends learning outside the classroom as students and community members work together to address community needs. Students typically choose to participate by enrolling in service-learning integrated courses and E-term projects, 通过参与持续的或定期的志愿者经历, 通过组织讨论和行动小组.  


  • 与他人联系. 通过社区参与与校园内外的其他人联系和合作.
  • 扩展你的故事. Community engagement challenges us to share our stories and listen deeply to the stories of others as a way of increasing capacity for empathy and kindness. 
  • 加深理解. 通过行动和反思, 社区参与可以照亮系统, policies, 以及使人类能动性成为可能或受到限制的过程.
  • 采取行动. 社区参与提供了通过负责任的社会行动影响变革的机会.





Select regular term courses and E-term projects incorporate community work as a way to enhance student learning and address community needs.




每周与当地机构一起参加志愿者活动, 比如家教或餐饮服务, 或者参加一次性体验, 比如另一个春假或服务日.




促进或加入提高意识的讨论小组或活动, 比如选民登记运动, 筹款或写信活动, 或者在当前问题上学习圈子





    Students can enroll in regular term courses and 探索术语 projects that integrate community service.  这些课程和项目包括以社区为基础的工作. 例如, 作为社会学课程的一部分, students might volunteer with local agencies and examine the work of those agencies in light of course concepts.  Or, 另外, 作为贫困研究课程的一部分, students might work as a class to interview or survey agency clients or local residents and share the results with a community partner agency.  Service-learning integrated courses often fulfill general 教育 requirements or requirements in the major, minor, 或者区别项目.  


    服务学习综合课程已列入年度课程目录,并将逐年增加 3 -在自助服务中指定,作为常规学期和探索学期注册的一部分.  选择也将通过ENGAGE和其他地方进行推广. 

    • 秋季、春季、夏季学期课程. 以下系在秋季提供服务学习综合课程, spring, 偶尔还有夏季学期:商务, 化学, 教育, English, 领导的研究, 公共卫生研究, 贫困问题研究, religion, 社会学, theatre, 城市环境研究. 请与各个部门联系,以验证自助服务中的特定术语列表. 这条路线将被指定为上升路线 3 课程描述将包括服务学习的内容. 一旦你注册了课程, 按照课程大纲上的任何说明来完成你的社区参与要求.
    • 勘探期项目. 许多部门和项目在探索学期提供服务学习综合课程, 包括旅游项目. Check the 探索术语 Bulletin for these and other opportunities; you can also talk with your advisor and other department representatives.
    • 简约的经历. You can design your own individualized community engagement project to earn credit for work with a community partner agency.  Work with a faculty sponsor (and a community partner agency) to craft a proposal for a learning contract. Your contract serves as the way to formalize your learning insights from your community engagement and ensures you earn academic credit for your work. 关于完成个性化学习合同的详细信息可以在这里找到 here.



    The 邦纳领袖计划 is a leadership development program for students who are committed to community and civic engagement. This program will offer you a chance to work in a community-based organization and to experience a wide array of enrichment activities that will enhance your college experience and help you grow as a person. 要了解更多关于邦纳领袖计划的承诺和好处,请访问此 link申请邦纳领袖计划



    Students can engage with community partners by establishing routine volunteer experiences or participating in special service experiences and projects.  可以在多个机构找到定期的志愿者机会, 包括曙光妇女庇护所, 橡树丘健康康复中心, 和城市部. 学生们通常每周在中介机构做一到三个小时的志愿者, 每周固定的时间. 

    可以在这里找到与我们合作的社区机构的名单 here

    此外,学生可以参加特殊的服务日体验.  这些经历提供了一个在短期内与他人联系的机会, 比如社区清理, 栖息地的构建, 或者其他一次性经历.  

    选择春假, students deepen their understanding of themselves and of another culture or place while engaged in service. 参与者在旅行前以团队的形式进行准备. 在最近的春假期间, 团队在旧金山工作过, Boston, 纳什维尔, 密西西比墨西哥湾沿岸, 华盛顿, DC, 和伯明翰. 


    查找所有服务机会的列表, 包括工作日和春假, 在进行, 在星期一上午, 以及在克鲁拉克研究所办公室外的公告栏上. 找出任何你可能感兴趣的.     

    如果你没有看到符合你兴趣的机会, 联系Krulak研究所的工作人员,讨论你如何发起一个新的社区伙伴关系.  在这个角色中, you can take the initiative to develop the partnership and recruit other students to volunteer and participate with you.  

    如果你是一个学生组织的成员,想让你的成员参与社区服务, 与Krulak学院的工作人员联系,以确定适合您的团队的服务体验.



    Both the Krulak研究所 and the Office of Student Development offer opportunities for students to converse with others about current issues and to engage in collective action, 包括写信活动, 筹款活动, 以及其他形式的教育和宣传.  


    要参与这些活动,请关注周一早晨并查看ENGAGE上的服务列表. 你也可以通过希腊社团或其他学生组织获得机会.  如果你有任何问题,请联系克鲁拉克学院的工作人员. 



    Thank you for your interest in collaborating with a faculty member or hosting Birmingham-Southern students with your agency!  Staff in the Krulak研究所 can assist you in identifying the most effective ways to build a sustainable relationship between Birmingham-Southern and your agency. 

    要查看我们目前正在合作的合作伙伴列表, 点击这里.


    Reach out to Krulak研究所 staff to explore the different ways your agency might partner with faculty and staff at Birmingham-Southern. 以下是一些需要考虑的事项:  

    • 考虑你的目标. Think about what you most want to achieve from a partnership with students or faculty: Are you most interested in regular volunteers? 你是否有特别的挑战或项目需要帮助? 你心目中的理想伴侣是什么样的?
    • 想想时间框架. 请记住,学生通常只在365英国上市官网的学术学期(秋季学期)可用, 探索术语, 春季学期, 和夏季学期),并经常在休息时回家. Faculty course planning may be similarly constrained; faculty research opportunities might follow a different timeline. 这些时间限制会如何影响你的目标或招聘时间?
      Term 开始计划对话
      秋季学期(13周,8月下旬开始) 二月或三月
      勘探期(1月4周) 九月或十月
      春季学期(13周,二月开学) 九月或十月
      夏季学期(8-12周,5月下旬开始) 十一月或十二月
    • 考虑承诺、知识和技能的水平. 我们所有的学生都是本科生. 你们的伙伴关系需要什么样的知识、技能或时间承诺? Does your partnership require background or familiarity with specific issues or areas of professional expertise? 有没有什么特别的技能最适合你们的合作关系.g. 定量分析或人际交往能力)? 你预计别人或你会花费多少时间来维护这项工作?
    • 记住这是一种合作关系. 在Krulak研究所,我们重视长期、可持续的关系. 我们想和你们合作. 这意味着我们想要保持关于工作的持续对话, 根据需要将相关的利益相关者引入到对话中, 包括克鲁拉克研究所的工作人员, 教员, 学生协调员, 和其他人. 这也意味着我们将继续与你们一起学习如何最好地使我们的伙伴关系发挥作用. 我们怎样才能促进贵公司和南方伯明翰航空公司之间的相互承诺?



    Service-learning integrated courses and 探索术语 projects enable faculty to connect course learning outcomes to community and civic engagement work.  Service-learning integrated courses and projects typically take one of two forms: place-based or project-based courses.  Place-based courses invite students to work with or volunteer at a local agency as a way of enhancing course learning outcomes (e.g.(本学期每周辅导学生一次).  Project-based courses partner with local agencies to complete a capacity-building project in collaboration with the representatives at the agency (e.g., 调查当地居民,并在市政厅分享结果, 或者为一个机构的倡议制作宣传材料). 学院可以开发和提供任何学科的服务学习综合课程. 如果您有兴趣开发课程,请与服务学习主任联系. 


    • 确定课程. 考虑一门新的或现有的课程,它将受益于与社区的合作. 以你自己的专业知识为基础,考虑你的工作如何与现有的社区需求重叠. 如果你目前正在与社区机构合作或工作, consider how your disciplinary and professional expertise might overlap with that agency’s interests.
    • 申请资助. The Krulak研究所 offers course development summer stipends for the development of service-learning integrated courses and projects. 如果您需要在确定机构或社区合作伙伴方面的支持, contact the Director of Service-Learning to explore possibilities in advance of your initial proposal. 副教务长每年春天都会发出征求建议书的请求.
    • 与合作伙伴机构会面. 取决于你的方法, 计划在课程开始前与合作机构建立联系. 有效地开展以社区为基础的工作需要协作和意向性, 因此,计划与你的社区伙伴联系,明确期望和共同目标.
    • 设计课程. 有效的社区课程将社区工作与课程的其他方面结合起来, 通过定期的反思和讨论,帮助学生从他们的经验中学习. You will want to remain flexible in your course design and be attentive to the issues that might emerge as a result of the community work.
    • 告诉学生. Indicate on your syllabus and in the course catalog that the course is a service-learning integrated course. Doing so will help students anticipate the expectations and see the relationship between your course and community engagement.


与Krulak研究所联系,电话:205-226-7717 (电子邮件保护)